Recycling is a way to reduce the waste deposited in the environment and everyone can collaborate to raise society’s awareness about the benefits of this process.
In addition, recycling is a source of income for many families in vulnerable conditions, and therefore an important tool for social development.
The professional who allocates time for recycling is totally important for the cycle and reduction of waste deposited in landfills. That’s why a commemorative date was created for this public only. The day of the recycler and the recycling that is celebrated November 22. It is an important day for this professional and for such a significant activity for the environment.
What is recycling?
Recycling is a process of converting waste into materials or products of potential utility. This process reduces the consumption of raw materials, energy use and air and water pollution. Besides reducing the need for waste treatment and the emission of greenhouse gases.
Recycling is an important component in solid waste management and the fourth component in the waste hierarchy (or order of priority of the National Policy for Solid Waste): do not generate, reduce, reuse and recycle!
Therefore, recycling is the process of reuse of waste that no longer serves the process, with changes in their physical, physical-chemical or biological state, in order to assign characteristics so that it becomes raw material or product again.
Applying a set of techniques these residues give origin to a new product or a new raw material with the objective of reducing the production of rejects and their accumulation in nature, reducing the environmental impact.
These sets of techniques range from the separation of the waste by material (plastic, paper, metal and glass are some examples) to its final transformation into another product.
The Ministry of the Environment classifies recycling as one of the most advantageous waste treatment alternatives, since it reduces the consumption of natural resources, saves energy and water, reduces the volume of waste and generates employment for thousands of people.
There are many materials that are recyclable and we can make the separation in our home and workplace. The materials that are recyclable are: glass, paper, metal, plastic, fabrics and electronic components.
There is also composting, which is the reuse of biodegradable waste, such as organic waste.
The materials that will be recycled are transported to a cooperative or are collected in strategic places, these materials are cleaned and reprocessed in new materials for industrial production.
Benefits of recycling
The benefits are many, both for the environment and the socioeconomic area.
For the environment reduction of waste accumulation, avoiding the production of new materials, such as: paper, which requires the cutting of trees, with emissions of gases such as methane and carbon dioxide, energy consumption, aggressions to the soil, air and water.

On the socioeconomic issue, recycling contributes to the rational use of natural resources and the replacement of resources that can be reused. Recycling also provides an improvement in people’s quality of life, with the preservation of environmental conditions, and also generates income for those people who find in this activity a business opportunity.
The regulation of selective collection and recycling activities in Brazil had an important advance in the second half of 2010, when Law No. 12,305 was sanctioned, which instituted the National Policy on Solid Waste and Decree No. 7,404, which regulated Law No. 12,305, creating the Interministerial Committee of the National Policy on Solid Waste and the Guidance Committee for the Implementation of Reverse Logistics Systems.
Recycling used packaging, or other materials, brings several environmental and economic advantages:
- reduction of waste accumulation;
- avoids the production of new products;
- avoids energy consumption;
- avoids aggressions to soil, air and water;
- contribution to the rational use of natural resources;
- provides better quality of life;
- provides a source of income.
- avoids environmental sanctions to companies
- improves the image of organizations that also incubate to recycle.
How can companies make money from recycling?
The Waste Market, VG Waste software, is a system that provides the meeting between companies that generate and treat waste.
Therefore, from the Waste Market you can find other companies that deal exclusively with the recycling of the materials generated by your business.
Recycling and solid waste management
The control of the residues in a company is something fundamental in the productive process. Its management is an excellent method that creates opportunities for waste recycling.
Waste management is made possible through the reuse and sale of waste and increased recycling possibilities, or through the discovery of new components or new raw materials that result in more reliable and technologically cleaner products.
One of the great challenges for companies is to ensure that all waste is managed appropriately and safely, from generation to final disposal (from cradle to grave), involving the stages of generation, characterization, handling, conditioning, storage, collection, transportation, reuse, recycling, treatment and final disposal.
Through the VG Waste platform you find a practical and functional solution that allows your company to carry out the complete management of the process, monitor histories and make strategic decisions based on graphics and reports.